Lion's Fine and rare Whisky

  Lion's Whisky Online

Diamond 1981 31 years old 60.1% Velier


Diamond 1981 31yo B2012 60.1% 70cl cask 10537-10536-10539 810bottles


Bottling Date: 2012
Alcohol Vol: 60.1%%
CL/ML: 70clcl
Bottler: Velier
Cask: 10537-10536-10539
N. of Bottles produced: 810


This is a Jewel. Out of 37 casks only three were bottled with an angel share of 94%! Tropically aged the evaporation was massive and therefore only 810 bottles were ever released. The quality of this Rum is simply out of this word and probably never reached again. Enjoy. Bottled in 2012


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